25th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage Nov 01, 2023 - Nov 08, 2023, Visakhapatnam (Vizag), Andhra Pradesh State, India

Tackling Water Scarcity in Agriculture


Dear Friends, Colleagues, Irrigation and Drainage Practitioners, Experts and Young Professionals,

It is my pleasure and great honour to announce that the 25th ICID International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage under the theme: “Tackling Water Scarcity in Agriculture” together with the 75th International Executive Council Meeting will be held in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India from 6th to 13th of November 2023.

On behalf of ICID, I would like to extend my warm invitation to ICID members and all other water scientists and stakeholders throughout the world to join me and attend this flagship global event in India. ICID and the Organizers, are committed to make this event an enriching experience in irrigation and drainage disciplines. India is the founder member of ICID and is the ICID home since 1950. Moreover, India has since been actively associated with ICID activities at national and international level.

India has a very impressive record in hosting successful conferences and this one with no exception will be a memorable event. The Indian National Committee (INCID) hosted the 1st IEC at Simla in  1950, the 1st Congress and 2nd IEC at New Delhi in 1951; the 4th IEC in Bangalore in 1953, the 6th Congress and 17th IEC in New Delhi in 1966, the 33th IEC in New Delhi in 1982, the 60th IEC and 5th Asian Regional Conference in New Delhi in 2009, the 8th International Drainage Workshop in New Delhi in 2000 and the 9th International Micro Irrigation Congress in Aurangabad in 2019.

India has a vast experience to offer in the fields of irrigation, drainage and water management. ICID and I are thankful to the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Sri YS Jaganmohan Reddy garu, on whose initiative the event is taking place in India in 2023.

Visakhapatnam is a beautiful coastal city of Andhra Pradesh and is home to around 2.3 million people. One of the neatest, nicest and tidiest cities of India. The city is the ninth largest contributor to India’s overall GDP ($43.5 billion), the oldest shipyard with natural harbour and is headquarter for the Indian Navy’s Eastern Command. The South Coast Railway gives access to a diverse range of landscapes surrounding the easily accessible city.

I am confident that the government of Andhra Pradesh and the ICID Indian National Committee (INCID) will not leave any stone unturned for the success of the 75th IEC Meeting and 25th ICID Congress combined with Global Conference and Exhibition. The delegates can be ensured of great hospitality and a rich learning experience. The hosts will be organizing very interesting programmes for the accompanying persons as well as study tours for the participants including places of historic and cultural heritage. India has a rich history and has plenty to offer to its visitors including its famous cuisine, fabric, spices, perfumes and more.

Finally, I would like to extend a cordial invitation to all the prospective delegates for the 25th ICID Congress and 75th IEC meeting combined with the Global Conference and Exhibition in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. I am looking forward to meeting you there.


Prof. Dr Ragab Ragab

President, ICID 


ICID has been organizing its flagship triennial event International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage since 1951. The 1st ICID Congress was held in 1951 at Delhi and so far, ICID has held 24 Triennial Congresses. The 25th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage and the 74th International Executive Council meeting is being organised by Indian National Committee of ICID (INCID) on the theme ‘Tackling Water Scarcity in Agriculture’ from 01-08 November 2023 in Vishakhapatnam (Vizag), Andhra Pradesh, India. ICID triennial Congresses focus on the upcoming issues that need to be addressed in irrigation, drainage, and flood management. The Congresses also provide a platform for reviewing a number of contentious issues concerning the future of irrigation water vis-à-vis increased demands for competitive uses. The aim of the Congress is to provide a platform for irrigation and drainage professionals and the broad range of other stakeholders to share their knowledge and experience in sustainable agriculture water management focusing on irrigation management and its related/integrated aspects. 

CONGRESS THEME: Tackling Water Scarcity in Agriculture 

Water use within agricultural systems, primarily irrigation, account for almost seventy to eighty per cent of global water withdrawals. With rising temperatures intensifying demand, in combination with more frequent and severe weather extremes impacting production, water scarcity in agriculture is posing a challenge to food security. Among other global trends, population growth and related increases in demand for agricultural and forestry products to provide food, fodder, fibre and fuel put further pressure on water resources.
Freshwater shortages have already begun to constrain socio-economic development in some regions. In many areas, competing uses for water from agriculture, industry, and municipal users further constrain the availability of water for agriculture. Bioenergy production and use put the additional onus on the water resources while an increased intensification of agriculture and water pollution poses an additional challenge. It is not surprising that seven out of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 1, 2, 3, 6, 13, 15 and 17) of UN Agenda 2030, are directly or indirectly influenced by the way we manage our agricultural water. 

Increasing water productivity, within the agricultural water management domain, is analogous to achieving water savings (while maintaining yields), which can occur at the plot level and/or at the irrigation-system level, with or without adopting new technologies. With a diminishing share of water for agriculture, food security is feasible only with an increase in agricultural productivity, the efficient use of available water and increasing exploitation of new and non-conventional sources of water. 

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) strives for a water-secure world free of poverty and hunger through its mission to facilitate prudent agriculture water management. “Enabling Higher Crop Productivity with Less Water and Energy” is the most cherished goal of ICID Vision 2030. Through its tri-annual Congresses ICID, provides a forum to exchange the knowledge, information and technology solutions that are needed to tackle water scarcity. The 25th Congress, therefore, focuses on the possible solutions of tapping alternative water resources and increasing water productivity through on-farm interventions to tackle agriculture water scarcity. 

Theme of 25th ICID Congress ‘Tackling Water Scarcity in Agriculture’ is expected to address the theme in the form of two questions.


Question 64: What alternative water resources could be tapped for irrigated agriculture?
Question 65: Which on-farm techniques can increase water productivity?


To be announced shortly.


<p><strong>Geography</strong></p> <p>Located in the northern hemisphere, India is a south-Asian country with a total area of about 3.3 MSqKm making it the largest peninsula and the seventh-largest country in the world. India shares her border with Pakistan in the northwest; China, Nepal, and Bhutan in the north; and, Myanmar and Bangladesh in the northeast. The geographical coordinates of India are between 8°4’ and 37°6’ latitudes north of the Equator, and 68° 7’and 97° 25’ longitudes east of standard meridian. India can be divided into four regions: the great mountain zone, plains of the Ganga and the Indus, the desert region, and the southern peninsula.</p> <p><br /> <strong>Population and land use</strong></p> <p ...Read more


Under preparation.


To start after October 2022

Side Event(s)

Symposium - Proceedings - International Symposium on Pathways and Technologies for Modern Irrigation Services; and Report - New Advances in Water Saving in Irrigation
Workshops - Proceedings - International Workshop on The Water-Energy-Food-Nexus: Implementation and Examples of Application; Proceedings - International Workshop on Innovated Agricultural Water Management under Climate Change; Proceedings - International Workshop on The State of Drainage Worldwide; and Proceedings - International Workshop on Global Challenges of Land Subsidence in Tidal Areas and the Integrated Solutions


First brochure announced and is available for download.

What's More

Under Construction


Invited exhibitors to participate.